The "best laid plans" can quickly dissipate when you show up at your trade show, anticipating a smooth installation, and find nothing in your booth space. Panic rapidly sets in, as you go into search mode. No booth? Where could it be? Your shipper confirms it was delivered to the show. Show services confirms it was received, but then...
Plan B starts to take many hours, days do I have before the show starts? Looking around the trade show floor, as far as the eye can see, are crates, cases, pallets. Where to start?
A client found themselves in just this position last year at their BIG trade show. It was big not only in importance, but in size. There were 7 installation days, and as of day 1, their BIG RED display crate was MIA. Six days later, just before Plan B plans were to go into action, it was found! How was it found? Mostly by someone combing the entire show, booth by booth, looking for it - simple as that!
If you are ever in this situation, here are some good ideas to help you be proactive in the face of panic:
Check booth spaces with similar numbers
Check similar point-of-origin shipments
Mystery shipment in your booth? Maybe yours is in their booth.
Check the "empties" storage
Get a picture or description of the crate/case and fan out over the show floor, perhaps asking show services for the use of a cart
Look out over the floor from high up, if possible, to see more area in less time.
Plan B starts to take many hours, days do I have before the show starts? Looking around the trade show floor, as far as the eye can see, are crates, cases, pallets. Where to start?
A client found themselves in just this position last year at their BIG trade show. It was big not only in importance, but in size. There were 7 installation days, and as of day 1, their BIG RED display crate was MIA. Six days later, just before Plan B plans were to go into action, it was found! How was it found? Mostly by someone combing the entire show, booth by booth, looking for it - simple as that!
If you are ever in this situation, here are some good ideas to help you be proactive in the face of panic:
Check booth spaces with similar numbers
Check similar point-of-origin shipments
Mystery shipment in your booth? Maybe yours is in their booth.
Check the "empties" storage
Get a picture or description of the crate/case and fan out over the show floor, perhaps asking show services for the use of a cart
Look out over the floor from high up, if possible, to see more area in less time.