You spend a lot of money each year on your trade show marketing program. Do you give it the respect it deserves?
As planning for 2019 begins, if you don't have facts to support your continued participation in trade shows, as a major marketing activity, how can you make an informed decision?
Do your results metrics include:
"We had a lot of booth traffic."
"People loved our giveaways."
"The show was slow."
A CEIR research study highlighted the biggest problem that has plagued exhibitors for decades - How to get realizable and measurable results from their trade show investment.
If you want to do better and really up your trade show success, dive into this in-depth article, The Three Keys of Trade Show ROI. There is a lot of great information here, and in this overview ebook, Trade Show ROI Playbook .
Tech Knowledge
Exhibitor Magazine's 2018 Marketing Technology Survey uncovered some interesting stats regarding technology use in trade show marketing.
As you might expect, tech usage is on the rise at events and trade shows. In fact, 84% of trade show marketers are employing various technologies inside their booths.
The survey details which technologies are on the rise, and which are losing ground. Hint: think GEOFENCING!
You can read the entire article here .
Backlit Trade Show Displays and LED lightboxes are the newest displays on the market and set yourself apart from the competition with a new backlit trade show display from Thompson Kerr. Backlit Trade Show displays are available as a 10x10, 10x20 and 20x20 booth spaces. For more information, please visit our Backlit Trade Show Displays