Show Time...

Show Time...

Show Time...

Posted on March 29, 2019
Show Time...

Driving attendees to your exhibit requires creativity, smart communications, and tech awareness.  You are competing with all the other exhibitors for attendees' limited time.  Now is not the time to sit back and expect the attendees to find you and interact with you. YOU have to be proactive.

Even if you've been proactive before the show, there are still a lot of possible clients out there, hoping to find a product or service like yours.  Let's attract them to your booth, too!

I've compiled interesting ideas from three different sources for you

*Want to give out shirts, hats, buttons, bags? Make them wear it! Maybe they get an instant prize if a staff members sees them, or maybe have staff give them a token when they see them, which they can bring back to the booth to claim a prize.

*Incentivize people to tweet about you/your booth.

*Charging stations and photo booths are popular right now. ( click here for more)

*Another source cautions to not spam, and align contests, giveaways, and activities with your product/service ( Don't give massages if you aren't selling massages).

*Tweetups are meetups of like minded people. Trade shows have become a great place for virtual friends to meet in reality.

*Link charitable giving to an activity - ie, give $5 to charity for every Foursquare check-in.

*Hold mini-seminars in your booth. A group of 4 people sitting in a booth quickly turns into 8 people standing around at the edges.

*If you have a new product launching, tout that everywhere.

*Post visual recordings to education programs in your booth and on Sm.

*Finally, Tim Patterson's ebook, "Super Networking at Events and Trade Shows Using Social Media", is full of great ideas and instructions on using social media at trade shows.  I encourage you to download it ( free).  There are too many ideas to post here, but Chapter 5 on the Power of Twitter and Chapter 8 on Linkedin are especially enlightening.  Thanks, Tim!